Dickerson Owners and Prospective Owners.
This site is dedicated to the Dickerson Sailing Yacht. Although Dickerson Boatbuilders have been out of business for many years, the Dickerson is still sailed and respected by sailors spanning generations. For the latest updates, see the News page.
As new Dickerson Member Mark Fawcett of Ontario, Canada said. “It is the Association that is so important about these Dickersons. Everyone was so helpful to me when I purchased my 41 Foot Dickerson Ketch CAVU”
Get to know your Dickerson neighbor with our 100 Page Directory with contact information on all known Dickerson Owners, A Classified Section on where to obtain Dickerson Parts, Equipment and Services and much more. Join discussions on the Dickerson Facebook https://www.facebook.com/dickersonsailboats/
Join now or renew your Dickerson Association Membership for June 1, 2020 to December 31, 2020. Click on Membership on top of page. Contact us at jws2827@aol.com for Membership Form.
23 -24 Sept Dickerson Western Shore Round-Up Survey
Ahoy all Dickerson owners and crew! Have you been looking for a boating activity in September before the fall weather sets in? Then let us know of your interest in attending a Western Shore Round Up on 23 – 24 September on the West River, Maryland.
The fun begins on Friday 23 September at the West River Sailing Club followed by a Rabbit-start race on Saturday 24 September.
Please RSVP by 1 September to your Dickerson Newsletter Editor Chris Burry at wcburry@gmail.com to let us know of your interest. We will only hold this event if there is enough interest by members.
Captain Randy Bruns of RHYTHMS IN BLUE is looking for a crew-mate to help him sail his boat from Magothy River and help set up the race on Saturday the 24th. If you are available to assist Randy please contact him directly at rbbruns@verizon.net or via phone at 410-544-5571.
Read the latest Dickerson news in the attached August 2022 newsletter.
Where have you been sailing your Dickerson this summer?
Chris Burry – SV PLOVER
Anchored Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
DOA Newsletter Editor
Fair Winds to our Dear Friend
Obituary of Joseph William Slavin

Joseph Slavin 95 of Quincy, MA and Annandale, Va. died on March 6, 2022 after a brief illness. He was the husband of his high school sweetheart the late Arlene Harris Slavin to whom he was married for 70 years. He was born in Dorchester,MA on Feb.8, 1927 and was the son of the late Ambrose and Evelyn (Tuttle)Slavin.
Joe graduated from the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point in 1949 and later attended graduate studies at Tufts University in Boston, MA. He became an expert in Marine Fisheries where his career moved him from Massachusetts to
Washington, DC where he became an Associate Director of the National Marine Fisheries Service under NOAA. After retiring he became a global consultant in fisheries and traveled the world with his expertise.
Joe was one with the sea. At the age of 10 he taught himself to sail on a small boat. From that time on sailing became his passion. The boats became larger, sailing Ipswich Bay, Cape Cod Bay, and Chesapeake Bay. He sailed until the age of 90 on his beloved “Irish Mist” with family and friends. He was an active member of the Dickerson Boat Association and spent many happy days with his fellow Dickerson Boat buddies racing on the Eastern Shore of Maryland
At the age of 90 Joe and Arlene retired to The Crossings in Herndon, VA. They were warmly welcomed by residents and staff. Joe became very involved in updating the library and reading at daily Mass. He became President of the Residence Council and enjoyed contributing to the Crossings community.
Joe’s family was the most important thing in his life. He would drop everything and come if he was needed no matter what time day or night. He was always willing to listen, lend a hand and his advice is legendary ! He had a most inquisitive mind and was an avid reader. He loved life and was always the eternal optimist. Joe and Arlene spent many years of happy vacations at the Veranda Beach Club in Longboat Key, Florida
Joe was pre deceased by his siblings Bob Slavin, Mary May and John Slavin. He is survived by his daughters Elaine Stiles(Kevin) of Portsmouth, RI, Jo-Anne Riabouchinsky(Mike) of King George, VA and Patricia Stallings(Bill) of Fredericksburg, VA. JoJo also leaves his grandchildren Lauren Foley(Pete)of Marshfield, MA, Matt Stiles(Jess) of La Quinta, CA, Paul Riabouchinsky and Alek Riabouchinsky of King George, VA. and great grandchildren Peter Foley, Sarah Foley and Claire Foley of Marshfield, MA.
We would like to express a special thanks to all those who cared for Joe in his illness especially Kadie and Irene.
Event has been cancelled.
I am delighted to announce we are holding the Western shore Roundup once again after a year of no racing. It will be held at the West River Sailing Club September 24 and 25. Sailors can meet at the West River Cookout on Friday evening where you can purchase food and drink and have a nice evening with all of us together again.
Racing on Saturday is open to all Dickersons as well as other vintage single hull cruising boats whose first hull was laid down prior to 1990. The race starts at High Noon at WR G1 and features a rabbit start type of race. Rabbit starts make it easy for all competitors to get a good windward start. The winner of the race is declared the Sheriff of the Western Shore with a perpetual trophy. We will have a dinner at Pirates Cove that evening. Some sailors continue on Sunday following the race to cruise around together.
There is plenty of water for anchoring off the Club for short dinghying to the Club docks. I am checking on the viability of the Club moorings so stay tuned. If the docks are free of members two boats could tie up.
If you plan to attend let me know by 20 September and I will email you several pages of Race Instructions and suggestions on starting. Also let me know if you and your crew plan to attend the cookout; helps the kitchen staff plan.
Of course all this is subject to virus restrictions. The Club has been very conservative on this issue.
Randy Bruns rbbruns@verizon.net; 443-994-8844
For more than 50 consecutive years, owners of Dickerson yachts have gathered annually at Oxford or Cambridge, MD near the place where their vessels were built. The Dickerson Owners’ Association (DOA) hosts the event — usually on Fathers Day weekend when the owners gather to share their enthusiasm for these classic sailboats. The event receives such rave reviews from attendees that the DOA will soon share it among a larger group of similar classic boats.
Additional Events
We are looking into having some local meetings of Dickerson owners and Associates and encourage any suggestions you may have regarding any possible additions to this program.
Let’s Make Sure Dickersons are Forever
So what are we all about? Have you ever tied up at a dock and a passing sailor comes by and says
“Is that a Dickerson” and you proudly say yes built in 1969 like my wooden “Irish Mist” or yes my boat sailed around the world like D and Don Wogaman’s “Southern Cross”
We have a rich tradition where the sailors that sail these boats are in many ways just like their boats, solid and caring. In my 36 years as a Dickerson Association Member, when some finally had to give up the sailing, they said that “their Dickerson years made up their fondest memories”. Recently joining that group at 91, I know how important it is for all of us to do our bit to really make sure Dickersons are Forever. The Dickerson Owners Association appreciates your faithful and continuing membership over the years and your help in keeping our organization strong. We hope you can join us in this exciting program.
Treasure Chest – Nautical Apparel and Gifts. See the details.
Our survey is complete and the results are available here. Thank you for your participation!
Membership Committee-Joe Slavin, Barry Creighton, John Freal
Find a lost Dickerson and share it with us
Did you know that there may be 150 or more Dickerson Sailboats that are not identified in the 2009 Dickerson Owners Association (DOA) Directory?
The DOA has initiated an ambitious “Find a Lost Dickerson Sailboat” contest and invites all Dickerson fans to participate in the fun. A “Lost Dickerson” is one that we have no record of and is not listed in the 2009 Dickerson Owners Directory.
When visiting ports, marinas and boat yards or sailing in local and “foreign” waters, keep your eyes peeled for a 30, 32, 35, 36, 37, 40 or 41 foot Dickerson sailboat. Get sailor’s name, boat name, length, port and other contact information i.e. telephone number and email. Take a picture if possible.
Send your name and particulars on your Dickerson Discovery to the Dickerson Owners Association Membership Committee at jws2827@aol.com.
For your trouble you will be eligible to win a prize-yet to be decided. Contact us if you have any questions.