A PM consideration

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    Al Sampson

    Yesterday I removed my 25 year old starter from my diesel and delivered it to a shop for rebuilding. I decided it wasn’t a matter of if it will fail but when and where it will fail. They tell me it will cost approx. $125 to rebuild. I expect it will be money well spent! Some of you may want to consider having yours rebuilt before it fails.

    Al Sampson on Wanderlust

    Fleet Captain

    Hi Al,

    “Proactive maintenance” — always an interesting topic. Think most folks wait until there is some sign of impending failure before shelling out money that could otherwise be spent on grog and tasty libations. For example, we do routine standing rigging and chain plate inspections and replace when there is corrosion or signs of wear. (Unless you are “Rhythms in Blue”).

    I take note that you consider starting your engine critical enough to warrant special treatment even though there is no doubt that you could skillfully get safely back on your mooring ball or onto a T-head under sail alone. But lest I forget, you must start your engine periodically to power your reefer and preserve ice for your libations

    NOW it all makes sense. Good for you. All in jest of course.

    Thanks for the recommendation and the topic. Will be interesting to hear what systems others hold dear.

    Mike Aitken

    Great idea…very reasonable price….cheap insurance on a more than 10 year old boat.

    Al Sampson

    I picked it up this AM and it only cost $110! It’s also been repainted, looks new.

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