D36 center cockpit weight

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    Can anyone tell me the weight of a fiberglass D36 with a center cockpit? I need a weight to arrange for transport. 

    Fleet Captain


    The original design specification is 12,000 lbs.  That of course is without fluids and stowed equipment.  Where ya' goin'?


    Thanks for the info. I'm moving her from Ft. Myers Beach to Green Cove Springs, Fl. I plan to bring her to my property where I can work on completing the restoration. I have a fairly complete shop so it will be much easier and less expensive than if I park her in a marina. I got a decent quote this morning for a transporter who has a hydraulic trailer which will save me from having to hire a crane for off loading.

    Fleet Captain

    Thanks and good luck.  D41 “CAVU” now resides in Ortega Landing but spent time and was commissioned at Green Cove Springs.  I went down to assist.  Found some quality folks there.

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