New Board – Welcome

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  • #318

    Due to the security risks in using unsupported software, I have put up this new board and successfully moved all members and posts. I selected this one primarily because it was the only one that had a converter but it does have a heck of a lot more features so we'll see if it fits. If not there are converters from this board to many other popular ones. There are some features I want to add such as the ability to upload photos but I need some time to explore the system more.

    Let me know if you have log in problems with your old password and user name (I didn't ;))

    I have found that regular users can post images – I haven't figured out how many posts you have to have before being able to, my test account will not show the image.



    And I can see the image you posted of the “blizzard”.


    That's actually at Dickerson a couple of years ago. Note the conspicuous absence of any Dickerson's!

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