Dickerson 37AC placed well in Figawi 2016

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    We raced our 37AC Siena in the Figawi.  It was my first race as skipper of my own boat and we were well pleased with our performance.

    Our recreational rating was a generous 195 PHRF and we obviously sailed well to that.  The boat that beat us wins every year.  What I found interesting was that we beat the next 2 faster classes by a considerable margin.  I can't believe I'm thinking of protesting the rating committee for a faster rating next year to get out of my class!!




    Somehow we don't show up on the results I think it's because we did the return race?  Anyways we sailed to a 140-150 rating which I think is great


    We won first place on the return race and on corrected time we really beat everyone.  Got line honors too.


    Pre Race shape






    Fleet Captain


    Congratulations on a great finish for our classic Dickersons.  You obviously are a great skipper, with “interesting” rail meat in life vests, and capable of consuming appropriately sized winning beverages.

    Your “generous” PHRF is not out of line of what we enjoy here in the Chesapeake.  Given the right wind conditions–we are formidable.

    Again, congrats — “Siena” looks magnificent.

    “Crew Rest”
    D37 #22


    Thank you very much it was a great time and made all the work I did this fall/spring worthwhile.

    I gave all the rail meat the option to provide their own lifejackets (which were required at start/finish) and I was the only one to not dress like a refugee lol.

    Cracked off reaching we were consistently in the 8.5-9.4 knot range in 18-20 knots of wind and our class was mostly much shorter boats.  Can't beat waterline length and that's what I was counting on.

    looking forward to some more racing this summer everyone really enjoyed it.


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